Let Me Introduce Myself My name is Sandra Guest van Riper, writing from my Homestead, Beyond the Sidewalks in Tucson Arizona in the winter and Colorado in the summertime. I have a formal education in science that has spanned 20 years and encompassed several degrees including a BA and MS with minors and majors in English and Biology (Ornithology). I've taught at high schools, junior high, community college, and universities, lived in Montana, Hawaii, California, Arizona, and currently have family in Montana, California, Colorado, Florida, Virginia, Illionois, and New York. I am a published author of a variety of papers and books, and in all I've raised 4 children through our perilous times, and kept one husband. In the photo is my best helper, Jesse. She keeps me company as I work. On this page I have shared some of my favorite photos of my family. People are always asking, What is Beyond the Sidewalks? It is where I live and work. I have several passions, and they come together .. Beyond the Sidewalks. First is my small farm where I provide supplies and education about white doves at www.whitedoveceremony.com and I'm executive editor of www.whitedovesociety.com. I also design websites and provide hosting services worldwide at www.beyondthesidewalks.com. Finally I assist my husband with his antique firearm business at Homestead Firearms ( (www.homesteadfirearms.com) and support his research (see www.charlesvanriper.com). And finally, I have several books in the works and am finally fulfilling some of my longtime dreams of writing. That is where I began many years ago and I am currently working on several manuscripts. And after a hiatus of several years, I again am milking my goats every day, working on websites, continuing my white dove passion online and helping raise our grandchildren - all beyond the sidewalks. And so, What is Beyond the Sidewalks? It is not a 'What', but rather a 'Who' or 'Where' or even a 'Why'. It is who I am and where I live and work. It is why I have continued to thrive. It is where I have been and where I am going - and I invite you to join me, Beyond the Sidewalks. |